
Kybella in Charlotte, NC

Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your profile. Kybella in Charlotte, NC is a synthetic formulation of deoxycholic acid. It is an injection just like other fillers however, it targets fat in the lower region of the head, dissolving it and making the jaw line more contoured and the neck more streamlined. After Kybella starts to reduce fat, your skin lifts up allowing a new face contour to shine through.


Treatment Process

Treatment Time

The entire appointment takes 1 hour. The actual injection takes about 20-30 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes total needed for numbing with an anesthetic prior to the Kybella injection.

Recommended Frequency of Treatments

For optimal results, a series of 2-3 Kybella injections is often recommended, usually spaced out a month apart from each other.


Treatment costs vary depending on the area and number of treatments. During your [complimentary consultation][1], our Nurse Practitioner will give specific treatment recommendations and come up with a treatment plan based on your wants, needs & budget. You will be provided with an accurate price estimate for your customized treatment plan prior to any treatment. [1]: /contact


We numb all clients with an anesthetic prior to the Kybella injection and only use micro needles to minimize any discomfort.


Recovery can vary patient to patient. Side effects may include bruising and swelling after the treatment and can last up to 10 days. Bruising can be covered with make up and most clients are fine wearing a scarf or turtleneck to cover swelling while out in public.

When can I expect to see results?

Kybella injection works gradually and becomes noticeable 3-4 weeks after the injection.



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