PRP Facial in Charlotte, NC

Infinity MedSpa in Charlotte, NC offers microneedling with PRP. Microneedling is a noninvasive procedure whereby microneedles are used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and tighten skin. The microneedling stimulates collagen production in the skin and helps with texture, acne scarring, and other issues such as pigmentation. When microneedling is combined with PRP, the therapy may then be referred to as a "vampire facial.” Blood will be drawn from the patient by a Nurse Practitioner and spun in a centrifuge to separate out Platelet Rich Plamsa (PRP). PRP aids in heal time and provides additional anti aging benefits.


Treatment Process

Treatment Time

1 hour and 30 minutes

Recommended Frequency of Treatment

Recommended series of 4 every 4 to 6 weeks, then twice per year for maintenance.


$800 per session, 10% off for a series of 3. (which must be paid at the first appointment)


A topical anesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area so there is minimal to no pain during this procedure.


Your face will be pink after your treatment and some patients experience mild to moderate swelling. Ice packs can be applied, and pink or red color goes away in a few hours or overnight.

When will I see results?

Noticeable results within 2 to 3 weeks. Collagen production takes about 12 weeks to become visible but you should see improvement in texture, pore size, fine lines before you are back for your next treatment.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

No retinol, acids, exfoliants, no sun. Take Valtrex prophylactically if prone to cold sores.

Post-Treatment Instructions

Nothing placed on face for 24 hours, no retinol, acids, exfoliants and no sun. Physical sunscreen can be used after 48 hours. Gentle cleanser and moisturizer only for basic skin care after 48 hours. A vitamin C product can be used post treatment as well. Growth factor and other restorative ingredients can be used to help with down time.


Book your FREE PRP Facial consultation today!


If you think the PRP Facial treatment may be right for you, we invite you to book a complimentary 15 minute PRP consultation. During this consultation, we will evaluate your skin, discuss risks and contraindications, and answer any questions you have regarding the treatment.

